How to Stay Active at Home During Social Distancing

LION WELLNESS | With gyms, fitness studios and hiking trails closed, it might feel tempting to stop exercising. While it’s okay to take a few days off, maintaining a regular fitness routine can add a sense of normalcy to life during these abnormal times while also improving your mental and physical health.

Working out at home doesn’t take a lot of time, space, or fancy equipment – just some creativity. Try these tips:

  • Put on workout clothes when you wake up: We are all guilty of wearing pajamas all day while staying in. Putting on a workout outfit when you wake up will inspire you to get moving.
  • Designate a space: Whether it’s a room in your house or a corner of your dorm room, set aside a space to work out where you limit distractions.
  • Stream a free, online class:It can be hard to get motivated without an instructor telling you what to do. Luckily, many fitness studios that usually charge pricey fees for a single class are now offering online workouts for free. Barry’s Bootcamp, CorePower Yoga, and Nike Training Club are among the many platforms now offering free workouts via smartphone apps, Instagram Live and YouTube.
  • Improvise equipment: Create your own weights and resistance with household items –fill a bag with some cans, grab a jug of water, or hold your backpack.
  • Incorporate movement in whatever you’re doing: Do triceps dips from your couch as you watch T.V., calf raises as you fold your laundry, and a set of pushups during homework breaks. Little movements can easily be incorporated into sedentary tasks and have big impacts on your mental and physical well-being.

Join Lion Wellness, LMU FitWell and LMU Yoga Studies each week on Wednesdays for Virtual Wellness Wednesdays on Instagram. View the Lion Wellness YouTube Playlist here.
