New Beginnings: Tips for Graduating Seniors

LION WELLNESS | Wrapping up your undergraduate academic career can be both exciting and filled with uncertainty, especially now due to the coronavirus. While this is an undeniably challenging time, there are steps that you can take to prepare yourself for upcoming job opportunities and put yourself on a positive post-collegiate path. Consider the following tips:

  • Upgrade Your Career Profile: Career experts recommend updating your résumé twice per year to keep your experiences fresh and accurate. Be sure to add details that reflect the types of positions your seeking.While networking events are currently on hold, you can still virtually tap into your network. Create a profile on LinkedIn to connect with business professionals and learn more about career opportunities.
  • Acquire New Skills: Have you thought about studying a new language or learning basic coding? Even after classes end, be sure to keep feeding your brain with new knowledge and skills to stay engaged and bolster your résumé.
  • Develop a Healthy Lifestyle:Pulling all-nighters, ordering Dominos and drinking too much beer is not going to cut it anymore. Replace unhealthy college habits with a new routine that will make you feel happier and sharper, such as taking daily meditation breaks and drinking plenty of water.
  • Be Open to Change: Key life transitions can be scary, which can be especially difficult during this pandemic. Take advantage of this time under stay-at-home orders to contemplate your true passions and brainstorm future life goals. Write down dreams, aspirations and goals in a journal and monitor your progress taking steps toward achieving them.
  • Reflect on Your Accomplishments: Pat yourself on the back for achieving this major academic milestone! Take a moment to recognize all the hard work you put towards your degree. Share this moment with key figures in your life who helped you along the way by writing a letter or email to express your gratitude.