Attend SPS Virtual Wellness Groups and Workshops

STUDENT PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES | At Student Psychological Services this fall, we designed our virtual groups and workshops to address the challenges of the remote learning environment and current cultural climate, and that’s why we have 10 different groups and five workshops more than we’ve ever offered!

Our menu includes a wide range of new and re-occurring therapy groups, discussion groups, and brief workshops, including our drop-in discussion groups (which are open to all students regardless of location) created for:

  • General coping with COVID-19
  • First year students
  • African American women
  • Latinx students
  • Asian Pacific Islander women
  • First-generation college students
  • LGBTQ+ students

We created two brand new drop-in groups, specifically for graduate students, a general one and one for LGBTQ+ graduate students. We’re running a structured therapy group on body image (in-state students only and requires a group preview). Our single-session psychoeducational workshops target sleep and time management, anxiety/self-care, perfectionism, conflict resolution, and somatic-based healing. These are each offered twice this semester and are open to all students regardless of location.

Students must complete the online interest form here.
