Over $40,000 Raised by Brothers of Consciousness

*Update: Since the original posting of this story, the Brothers of Consciousness student organization has now raised over $50,000 to support protesters, enact legislative change, and support the Black community both in Los Angeles and across the country.

LMU STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS | Brothers of Consciousness (BOC) partners with over 40 different LMU student organizations to raise over $40,000 to support movements to support protesters, enact legislative change, and support the Black community both in Los Angeles and across the country.

BOC students came up with the idea for the fundraiser after hosting a community healing session where over 130 students attended. Dezmin Hemmans ’22, a finance major from Lakewood, California and co-president, discusses how the organization was inspired to start the fundraiser. “From that session, we were inspired by students’ testimonies, and we brainstormed to create a fundraiser that had replicability and could go viral,” said Hemmans.

For the men of BOC, the main goal was to create something larger for LMU students to be active in and contribute to change. “I hope that the fundraiser will help the LMU community feel more connected,” said Hemmans. “Recent events like moving off-campus and these tragedies have many of us feeling isolated. We also hope to assist organizations dedicated to helping the Black community, ending systemic forms of oppression in our country.”

BOC has been able to partner the following LMU student organizations African Student Association, AGENCY LMU, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Gamma, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Kappa Psi, ASLMU, Association of Computing Machinery, Belles, Beta Theta Pi, Black Student Union, Crimson Circle, Esperer, Grupo Folklórico de LMU, Gryphon Circle, Han Tao, HER Campus LMU, IB Modern Dance, IEEE Tech Club, Ignatians, Indigenous Student Union, Isang Bansa, Lean In LMU, LMU Bali Club, LMU Panhellenic Council, LMU Rock Climbing Club, LMU Ski Club, Magis, MEChA, National Association of Black Journalists, On Another Note, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Lambda Beta, Sigma Lambda Gamma, Sisters in Solidarity, Society of Women Engineers, Sursum Corda, TEAM, Transcendence, and Zeta Phi Rho.

Some notable funds are: The Bail Project, Campaign Zero, Reclaim the Block, Color of Change, Community Coalition, Black Girls CODE LA, Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund, Nation Black Food and Justice Alliance, The Okra Project, Homeless Black Trans Women Fund, National Black Deaf Advocates, LA Students Deserve, ACLU, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Justice LA.

For more information on how student organizations can get involved with the fundraiser, visit the Brothers of Consciousness website or Instagram. Direct donations or for those who are able to match donations, email lmu.brothers@gmail.com.

Brothers of Consciousness is a Black male leadership organization with 17 active members dedicated to promoting Ignatian values and Black leadership on LMU’s campus. 
