Resources to Educate Yourself About Systemic Racism and Other Social Justice Issues

CENTER FOR SERVICE AND ACTION | For more than 20 years, the Center for Service and Action has worked to connect students, staff, and faculty to community partners doing the work to advance racial justice in Los Angeles and beyond. Amidst the uprising in our country against systemic racism and police brutality, students, staff, faculty, and community partners alike are engaged in the work to make a more just society.

CSA continues to build and expand a virtual library of resources to help students educate themselves about social injustices such as systemic racism, police brutality and more. We hope some of these resources can serve our community as they seek to better understand the intersectionality of various social justice issues and what it would look like to not just say Black Lives Matter, but to incorporate actions as individuals and a society that affirm that truth.

And as we work to expand the resources, we need your help. Have a book, podcast, movie, reflection or other resource you think should be added to this page? Email, or message us on Instagram. As our campus remains closed, we hope these virtual resources will be of value to our community and we appreciate any suggestions and ideas to help expand this list.
