Ask Us Anything with New Live Chat Feature

STUDENT AFFAIRS | Have a question about what’s happening at LMU? Want to get some information about student organizations?

Introducing the new student hub live-chat widget on the Student Affairs website created by students for students. The widget lives on all Student Affairs webpages and helps students connect with student-workers about any questions from housing to student clubs.

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs (OSVPSA) student hub was a solution to transitioning work study office positions to remote work. The OSVPSA student hub operates via a live-chat widget. This feature offers the continued opportunity for connection that usually takes place on the bluff. As students adjust to education in a remote world, the chat hopes to provide students with a helpful resource.

Leading up to the live-chat widget reveal, the OSVPSA student team creatively worked together to bring the concept to fruition. Each student contributed, from creating weekly internal news roundups to providing IT assistance as they navigate learning Teams, shifts, and live chat to create digital ads, write, and produce shareable content. Everyone has brought their talents to the forefront to make this alternative work, truly highlighting the collaboration and versatility fostered within our OSVPSA team.
